Stripchat with Charming Ruby

Models Oct 31, 2019

If you See Charming Ruby, you will instantly fall in love with her. Tall blonde, gorgeous eyes, slim, always with a smile on her face, ready to greet you when you enter her room.

She is sweet and charming and loves to entertain her members with all sorts of games and surprises. You can find her here

Charming Ruby Night Party

On Saturday the 24th of November you can also see her in a Night Party together with her friends Kirstie Vegas, AshlineKatte and IreneKasia. They planned this night party as a 12 hour Marathon show because all of them are also best friends in real life. So a lot of fun to look forward to on the 24th of November.

Visit Charming Ruby room now and add her to your favorites!



Hey! I’m Eva and I am always ready to help you! I also supervise some activities that take place on the site. I love being part of our exceptional tribe and working with such an awesome team!

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